
Sparkeats is a restaurant review site where Sparkboxers review restaurants. During my time at Sparkbox, I worked as part of a team utilizing agile methodology to implement a redesign for the site on the frontend. I also worked on the backend to refactor legacy code, write tests, and fix bugs.

Node.js, Sails.js, SQL, Ramda.js, Mocha, Chai, Sinon, HTML, SCSS, BEM

Redesigned Sparkeats Site


Whatever is an app for indecisive people. I created it as my capstone project for Actualize. It helps users decide what to do or where to eat by choosing a random event or a restaurant based on the given address, radius, and date/time restrictions. Users are also able to filter their search results by price, and view directions to their destination.

Vue.js, CSS, HTML, MapBox API, JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, Google Maps API, Ticketmaster API

Whatever Site

Responsive Grid

As part of the Full Stack Apprenticeship at Sparkbox, I collaborated with a designer to bring their mockup to life, creating an accessible card with semantic HTML and BEM naming conventions.


Responsive Grid Codepen

Ant vs. Doodlebug

This was a project I created for a homework assignment through NYU. It is a predator-prey simulation created in C++ to showcase my understanding of object-oriented programming and pointers.


Ant vs. Doodlebug GitHub

UFO Game

This is a terminal based game written in Ruby. Aliens are invading and it is up to you to stop them by guessing the codeword in time!

Ruby, RSpec

UFO Game GitHub